Quantum Diagnosis
Telephone: 217 960 549
Mobile: 933 374 919
mail: info@raiza.pt
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It is an examination performed through a Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer, which measures the frequency of organs, allowing a complete diagnosis of the state of the body. Data is collected in a few minutes, in a non-invasive and painless way, through a sensor that the person holds in the palm of the hand.
This method allows the identification of several pathological changes even before the physical symptoms manifest, and a more comprehensive analysis of clinical conditions already manifested, and can be a valuable complement to other health tests, such as: blood tests, urine, ECG, CTs, etc.
At the end of the Quantum Diagnosis session, you will take with you, in digital format, the respective report, a summary of the most important things you need to pay attention to in order to improve and correct.
Among the possible factors to be identified through this system, the following stand out:
• State of bodies and systems
• Possible nutritional deficiencies
• blood pH
• Stress levels
• Toxicity levels
• Presence of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi)
• Emotional imbalance
• Food intolerances
• Neurotransmitter levels
This approach to health has shown positive results in several health problems, namely:
• Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks
• Allergies
• Digestive problems
• Osteoarticular problems
• Autoimmune diseases
• Recurrent infections (otitis, tonsillitis, urinary infections)
• Stress and fatigue
• Etc.