Powerful Smoke Bombs Activated with Herbs and Resins
Made in Argentina by Sagrada Madre
Content: 4 bombitas • Approx. firing: 5 to 10 m
Function: Powerful "burst" discharge. Inner power to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
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The practice of smoking is transversal to all the great spiritual currents, whether in ceremonies, rituals, etc... This practice helped the human being to evolve towards the Divine, the transcendent, the invisible side of the experience always with the greatest respect. and communion with the Planet, our mother Earth.
These Bombitas are powerful smokes activated with herbs, resins and essential oils and are indicated for use in environments and in all spaces in general.
These specific Smoke Bombs are activated with the following herbs/resins:
- The storax appears in the Bible as a component of the incense that Moses burned in prayer at the request of God on the Altar of the Tabernacle. He manages to activate memories of the past, eliminate bad energies and attract good ones, promote concentration for success in studies, stimulate intelligence making reasoning more agile.
- Cânfora's key property is the cleaning of people and places as well as their purification. Keep away "witches" and evil spirits.
- Benzoin to open paths and reach the Divine Light.
- Frankincense (Olibanum) does spiritual cleansing, protection of the soul, acts against depression and promotes clairvoyance.
- Rosemary purifies places and people and raises the level of thoughts. Its aroma brings joy.
- Rue is one of the most powerful plants in the fight against envy and the evil eye. It is very effective in eliminating negative energies. It confers spiritual protection and increases security.
- Smoking should always be done in ventilated places.
- Place the tablet in a heat-resistant, NON-flammable burner or container.
- Touch the flame of a lighter for a few seconds until the tablet is slightly glowing.
- The remains can be disposed of in Nature itself as it is completely natural.