Capricorn sign stone
Stone: Nevada Obsidian
Size: approx 2 cm.
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Amethyst is considered a precious stone, whose colors vary between light purple and violet. This crystalline quartz is found among the stones laid by the volcanoes. It contains traces of iron, which gives it violet tones. Violet, which is its main color, means "very holy". For this reason, religious uses of this stone have been made in the past, some of which are still in our day. For Jews, amethyst was a symbol of spirituality. This symbol is still used today by the Catholic Church, whose priests use an amethyst in their right hand as a symbol of their ecclesiastical dignity. Amethyst was for a long time considered a miracle medicine because it was attributed healing properties in relation to various diseases ranging from eye problems to hypoglycemia, from dyslexia to headaches, back pain, liver disorders, burns and even ailments of skin. In the world of esotericism, amethyst is recognized as a stone with important psychic properties. It helps to control addictions, such as alcoholism, drug addiction or bulimia. It is also said that it can control the effects of black magic. Amethyst favors serenity of spirit. It is said to make people who use it especially nice. This stone allows to affirm the sexual identity and is also a good support for meditation. It is necessary to hold it with your left hand to get in touch with the soul and encourage the awakening of inner consciousness.