Plant - Rose of Jericho
Scientific name: «Selaginella Lepidophylla»
Country of Origin: Mexico
FUNCTION: Attracts money, promotes peace and happiness, achieves goals and eliminates bad energy and envy.
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The Rose of Jericho, or Flower of Resurrection as it is also known, has as its habitat the deserts of Alexandria (Egypt), the tributaries of the Red Sea — but not the city of Jericho — and Central America. The occult tradition of the Rose of Jericho dates back to very ancient times. It was initially used by Shamans to guess the climate/state of the weather, as it is a hygrometer (instrument used to measure the degree of atmospheric humidity). The owner of this wonderful plant can also do this, just plant it in sandy soil and leave it out in the open. In dry weather it will remain completely closed, in wet weather it will open slowly and if it threatens to rain it will open splendidly (more or less quickly depending on the proximity of the cloud discharge).
There are reports throughout the lands of Provence that if a pregnant woman places this flower in a vase filled with rainwater and it blooms quickly, it is a sign of a happy birth.
It is believed that the Rose of Jericho is an excellent canceller of bad energies and a carrier of the energy of success and prosperity.
Just place the dried plant in a deep dish, adding enough water so that it is submerged.
It is advisable to change the water every 3 days and remove the plant from the water every 6 months, leaving it to dry completely. Once completely dry, put it back in water.
The most important thing for your survival is the change of water. Whenever possible, use rainwater or mineral water instead of tap water due to the concentration of chlorine.
Whenever the water has a brownish color, white or black spots (a sign of bad energy), wash the plant well under the faucet until any residue is removed and return it to the deep dish.
Always keep the water clean and clear!
to get more money
Place the Rose of Jericho in a large container, almost covered with water, and place in its interior 5 modern coins — preferably golden — and pray the Rose of Jericho prayer every day as needed.
To Eliminate Tensions and Envy
Place the Rose of Jericho in a deep dish with water, completely covering its roots and leaving its leaves uncovered; preferably at nine in the morning or at three in the afternoon, on a Tuesday or Friday. Leave for three consecutive days, withdrawing at the same time you put on, praying once a day. Leave the flower to dry again and use the water that was left on the plate to sprinkle the corners of the house's doors, from the outside, asking for Peace and Love. The prayer must be repeated for 7 consecutive weeks.
To Get a Job, Job or Any Other Goal
Place the Rose of Jericho in a large container, completely covered with water. Write on virgin parchment or papyrus, in pencil or water-resistant ink, the desire or goal to be achieved, rolling it together with a small magnet, tying the wrapping to the plant's roots, always in New Moon or Crescent and leaving until the Moon Full. Pray the prayer together with the petition, with great faith, for 7 days. Start on a Monday if it's for health, Tuesday for work, Wednesday for exams, Thursday for business or legal matters, Friday for love, Saturday for pregnancy issues and happy births, reconciliations, etc. and Sunday for luck, well-being and perfect harmony, etc.
For Peace and Happiness
Place the Rose of Jericho covered with water in its entirety, in a large container and leave it in a corner of the house, living room or bedroom. Add water whenever it evaporates or turns green and cloudy, saying the Rose of Jericho prayer once a day.
Prayer of the Rose of Jericho
Divine Rose of Jericho, for the cosmic energy that you contain and, for the power that was given to you, help me to overcome the difficulties of life, giving me Health, Strength, Happiness, Tranquility and Peace in my home, Luck in my business , dexterity in my work to earn more money to cover my needs, those of my home and my entire family.
Divine Rose of Jericho, all this is what I ask of you for the virtue that you contain and for the power of communication that you have.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before prayer, it is recommended to do a few minutes of meditation to connect with the energy of the Rose of Jericho.
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About its color when opened: Due to the temperate climate of our country, Portugal, this species tends not to be very green when opened. However, when heavy rains approach, the color intensifies. However, the color of its leaves in no way affects its mystical resurrection power.