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aura reading
The aura is the energy field that surrounds each being”. It is an evolutionary energy force, which brings together all of our physical and metaphysical information, which sustains life and characterizes the human being. Without it, we could not exist. It is an X-ray of all our lives from the moment of our spiritual formation and contains data about the past and the present life. The aura reading, then, is nothing more than an interpretation of how an individual's energy field is, that is, what energies he is transmitting to those around him.
Through this technique it is possible to rescue dormant aspects of the unconscious to be worked on with awareness. Reading is a healing tool that allows us to get in touch with our truth, bringing clarity to our mind, to our heart, releasing blockages and stagnant energy.
And how does this happen?
The Aura Reading tool is based on Rose Meditation, a cleansing and energetic protection technique that helps therapists to access a neutral state, allowing them to carry out the Readings without interference.
Aura Reading accesses the energy of the chakras in the present moment and also memories of collective patterns (past lives of humanity) to bring clarity to the repetitive behaviors that hinder the spiritual evolution of the one being read.
When accessing these energetic patterns, the person starts to recognize their origin and how they act in their life, making it possible to free themselves from behaviors such as: fear, anger, conflicts, scarcity and destructive emotions. Aura Reading also helps to enhance skills such as: patience, creativity, compassion, love and so on.
The person starts, then, to have a clearer understanding about his performance in the world through the conscious awareness of the dynamics that live in the unconscious, and learns to separate his energies from the energies that do not belong to him.
"The purpose of reading the aura is to make the person return to their essence, to their path, because in everyday life we end up misaligned and we often distance ourselves from our mission."