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The Tarot is a repository of wisdom, but before and after that it is a kind of encyclopedia of human experiences.
There are 22 arcana – secrets or keys – called Major because they contain the mysteries of who we are – and 56 Minor, divided into four suits (diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs), representing the circumstances, feelings, desires and steps that define us every day.
The images in the cards are emanations of medieval imagination: Death as a representation of the Black Death, the Wheel of Fortune as the mechanism of luck, symbolizing the cycle of kings [reign, reign, reign] and even of life [birth, life experience and death].
The cards are part of a closed system (the 78 arcana, divided into Major and Minor) and are therefore independent of other systems.
The relationship of one card to another will always combine symbols and then generate new emotions and new knowledge with each approach, whether by a lay person or one familiar with its symbols.
The cards are indicators of possible paths for the different situations in our lives. And speaking of possibilities, they are far from fatalistic, as if the fate of each one was set in stone since the beginning of time.
Tarot has no masters. When making a consultation or when learning the Tarot, a good lesson is not to bow down to any figure who considers himself the owner of one, some, or all of the truth.
Instead, the wisest thing is to draw inspiration from what we hear or read and go firm and strong, building our own understanding little by little, without hasty pretensions.
Because what really matters, in the Tarot, is how we look at these cards: how we deal with the symbols and how their messages transform us over time. There is the gold of the Tarot.
How it works
Tarot works very well when you are fully aware of the situation you are in and you can and know what question to ask. As logical as this sounds, many people ask very general questions when looking at the deck.
Direct questions that include people, time and places are most easily answered. For example, if you ask "How are things going at my job?", the letters can answer you about your colleagues, about your financial life, or about your future plans. In that case, the best way to find out about your professional life would be "Will my work be recognized?" or "Am I going to stay in this job or change companies?"
In this way, your interpretation will be directed to a single subject, facilitating the understanding of its meanings. In relation to your future, what the Tarot can do is present your future perspectives, or what is likely to happen due to the events in your life until the moment. This prognosis is neither definitive nor irreversible, and future events depend on your decisions and choices.
Petit Lenormand deck
The Petit Lenormand deck is an enchanted oracle made up of 36 blades. The origin of its name is attributed to the French fortune teller, Marie Anne Adelaïde LeNormand, also known as Madame Lenormand. These letters were found along with her belongings and popularized, due to the undisputed fame of the fortune teller, being known as accurate and “surgical” in her predictions.
This deck was popularized around the world, having a very evident expression in Europe and America, where different forms of interpretation emerged, which are called “schools”. The Lenormand Deck served as the basis for what would come to be called the Gypsy Deck. The simplicity and assertiveness of the letters led these people to adopt it and recreate some letters and interpretations.
The first step on this path is self-knowledge, the direction that the letters present to the doubts that make up life. Through the letters it is possible to have guidance and direction for the most diverse issues and thus know what to expect and make decisions with confidence and wisdom, the future is the result of our actions in the present moment. The magic of cards lies in making them search engines and personal connection to lead a more understanding life.
The use of cards in an oracular way allows for a better understanding of emotions and the situation as a whole, as it helps to reframe various issues and facilitates decision-making.