Image of Isis
Size: Approximately 28 cm tall.
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The goddess Isis is one of the main deities in Egyptian mythology, although her cult transcends the borders of Egypt and extends throughout the Greco-Roman universe, even reaching the lands in which Germany is currently located. Veneration of her seems to date back to shortly after 2500 BC, to the Fifth Egyptian dynasty.
She is the firstborn of the Earth god Geb and the deity that rules the Cosmos, Nut. Her brother Osiris becomes her husband, with whom she conceives Horus, god of the firmament, intoxicated with solar energy. The other brother, Seth, responsible for the deserts, becomes the couple's main enemy.
Seth deeply envied the luck of Osiris, whose mission was to govern the earth, more specifically Egypt, and thus had the opportunity to transmit precious knowledge about agriculture and dealing with animals to men. According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris is betrayed by Seth, killed and dismembered by this deity who is associated with the essence of evil.
Isis, desperate, manages to gather all of her husband's limbs, with the exception of the male genital, exchanged for a golden organ. She resurrects him thanks to her magical gifts and healing power. Soon after, they conceive Horus, who takes revenge by killing Seth.
Isis is exactly like this, zealous towards everyone, whether slaves or nobles, sinners or saints, rulers or ruled, men or women. She looks after everyone with the same protective commitment, the same concern, thus exercising her radically maternal and fertile nature.
For a long time, this goddess was venerated as the greatest representation of the maternal essence and the perfect wife, in addition to also watching over the natural kingdom, therefore, over all dimensions of existence. She was seen equally as a symbol of what is most simple, of those who die and those who are born. A late mythology attributes the tears shed by Isis over the loss of her beloved to the floods of the River Nile, which occurred once a year.
Year after year the death and resurrection of Osiris were remembered in various rituals; In Egypt, a festival called the Night of Tears is preserved. It takes place in June, therefore it is known as the June Festival of Lelat-al-Nuktah.
In this tradition, maintained by the Arab people, the link between Geb and Nut, that is, the Earth and the Firmament, and the emergence of their descendants, which includes Isis and Osiris, in addition to their brothers, who thus total nine gods, is revived. , the famous Ennead, which had its beginning with the original creative Divinity.
Together, Isis and Osiris symbolized the royalty of Egypt. She represented the throne on which her husband's royal power emerged. The cult of this goddess was of great importance in Antiquity, especially in the Roman Empire, in which she obtained many disciples. Today archeology proves this fact, and it is possible to find traces of temples and pyramid monuments in all parts of Rome.
In Greece this ritual reached ancient sacred spaces in Delos, Delphi and Eleusis, and developed particularly in Athens. Her disciples also spread throughout Gallic territories, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Portugal, Ireland and Great Britain itself.