Freemasonry and Kabbalah
  • Freemasonry and Kabbalah

Freemasonry and Kabbalah


Author João Anatalino Rodrigues

Pages 224

Size 16 x 23 cm

Language: Brazilian Portuguese



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There are many influences that form the basis of the symbolism found in Freemasonry. Gnosis, hermeticism, Pythagoreanism, alchemy and, in a very special way, Kabbalah. In this ancient tradition of Jewish culture we find the core of the spirituality cultivated in Masonic practice. That is why we can say that Freemasonry and Kabbalah are partners in the same spiritual enterprise and that Freemasonry can be called the “Cabala of the West”.

Kabbalah appears in the history of human thought as a form of language developed by the Israeli community with the specific purpose of interpreting the word of God, expressed in the Torah and the writings of the prophets. Freemasonry is an organization built from the archetype we know as Brotherhood.

From medieval labor organizations – particularly the church builders' guilds – the Order borrowed the organizational structure and mystique of its rites of passage. From the philosophical currents and ideas that permeated the mystical religious thought of the high Middle Ages and the passage into the Modern Age, it incorporated its spiritual basis.

This book shows, in simple and accessible language, the influence of Kabbalah on the rites and philosophical – spiritualist proposal of Freemasonry. Its goal is to provide Freemasons and people interested in this topic with a brief and simple foray into this little explored field of mysticism and symbolism that underlies the so-called Royal Art.