Umbanda for Children and Beginners
  • Umbanda for Children and Beginners

Umbanda for Children and Beginners


Author Doris Carajilescov Pires

Pages 272

Size 16 x 23 cm

Language: Brazilian Portuguese



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In this book, dedicated to children and young people, the author gives a brief summary of the historical origin of Umbanda, explaining in a didactic way its dogmas, rituals and teachings. What's more: it comes with exercise books, festive dates, word searches and crosswords. Thus, Umbanda children and teenagers will be able to satisfy some of their curiosity about the following topics:

• Who was Allan Kardec?;

• Who was Zélio de Moraes?;

• The birth of Umbanda;

• The color white;

• The guides;

• Atabaques, sung and scratched points;

• The Orixás;

• Religious syncretism;

• Umbanda Lines. Umbanda for Children and Beginners is a fun way to introduce children to Sacred Umbanda, thus expanding their faith and providing faster evolution in terms of spirituality.

Doris Carajilescov Pires was born in 1960, in the city of São Paulo. She is a radio broadcaster graduated from FAAP — Faculty of Social Communication of the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation. Dedicating all her attention to the most specialized spiritist literature, Doris has been researching Umbanda for several years. She is a spiritual leader and vice-president of the Guardians of Light Spiritist Fraternity, where she teaches the module on spiritist indoctrination in the medium course. The author's second book (the first was also released by Madras — Basic Instructions for an Indoctrinator), Umbanda for Children and Beginners is a work long awaited by Umbandistas, which increases the possibility of us being able to provide specific evangelization to our children, taking as support specific, direct and objective literature. For the first time, a book combines religious teachings and children's learning methods with illustrations, easy-to-understand language, pictures to color and games such as crosswords and word searches, aiming to make learning a fun and enjoyable activity. Ultimately, it is a children's book that teaches our children, and also lay people in general, to understand Sacred Umbanda, with sobriety and great responsibility.