Practical Guide to Umbanda
  • Practical Guide to Umbanda

Practical Guide to Umbanda


Author Marcelo Pereira

Pages 304

Size 16 x 23 cm

Language: Brazilian Portuguese



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Do you know what Umbanda is and what is the difference between it and Candomblé? What are the entities that manifest themselves in Umbanda terreiros? What are the Orixás, their qualities, characteristics and legends? These and many other curiosities about the daily practice of Umbanda are revealed in this book. This work is the result of the work of professor and umbandist Marcelo Pereira, who, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, started doing lives, recording and publishing videos with umbandist content on his social networks, in order to help mediums on the mediumistic development course (his students), who needed to continue their studies, even from a distance, and also as a means of answering many people's doubts about Umbanda. Because he believes that Umbanda has foundations and that it is necessary to study, that knowledge is the only way to deconstruct prejudice and also for everyone to have access to the content of the videos, he decided to transcribe them and transformed the text into this practical guide, with a clear and objective language. The Practical Guide to Umbanda is an indispensable work for Umbandists and anyone seeking knowledge about this religion.

Marcelo Pereira graduated in Law and became a Master in Criminal Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He is a master assistant professor, in the chair of Criminal Law, at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP); professor of Criminal Law in the officer training course at the Barro Branco Military Police Academy; and professor of the Specialization Course in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD). He was a professor at Universidade Paulista (Unip), in the chair of Criminal Law, where he served as Coordinator of the University Extension Course in Criminology, as well as President of the Permanent Inquiry Committee. He began his journey in Umbanda at the Mãe Iansã and Caboclo Pena Branca Cultural Center, under the care and spiritual guidance of Mãe Rosane de Iansã. Now, he works as a medium and is responsible for the theoretical part of the mediums' development course at the Ogum Beira Mar da Lapa Temple, under the care and spiritual guidance of Father José Roberto Teani. In 2022, he completed the Fundamentals for the Priesthood Course, at the Instituto Cultural Pieta Ensino e Editora Ltda. He is a regular at the terreiro Ilê Aláketù Asé Airá – Asé Batistini, run by Mãe Luizinha de Nanã, and the terreiro Ile Oba Ina Ase Ya Omin Layo, led by Pai Fernando Quaresma.