Bracelet - Jade
Function: Love, purity, serenity, wisdom, healing... [see more in detail]
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Jade is a peaceful stone that has been extremely important for the people of the East for centuries, where it is considered one of the most important symbols of purity, serenity and wisdom. It is also the symbol of immortality and a sacred stone for ancient Chinese goddess of mercy.
Jade was one of the first elements used to adorn royals and religious leaders, as well as castles and temples. It was a high honor to have the ability to possess Jade, both for her spiritual worth and for her obvious beauty.
- Jade is very beneficial for the kidneys, bladder and liver as it stimulates the function of the organs responsible for filtering and cleaning the body. It also helps in removing toxins.
- Very beneficial also for the heart, both physically and spiritually. He brings us a greater capacity to love, as he transmits his energy to anyone who comes close. Jade is considered a concentrated essence of love.
- Several reports claim that it improves hypertension and diabetes.
- Jade amulets are used by children as protection against childhood illnesses.
- As a healing stone, Jade is reputed to be effective in treating ailments such as anxiety and stress.
- Jade is a high protection stone that will keep you free of problems.
- Jade has also been called the "loyalty stone". This is due to its connection to love and virtue.
- Jade is a stone that has the energetic capacity to improve business and attract money.