Elastic bracelet with "golden triangle" gemstone chips: rock crystal, rose quartz and amethyst.
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Transparent Quartz is popularly known for aiding concentration and is also considered one of the crystals with the greatest spiritual value, as it has the energy of the seven rays condensed in its light.
White light passes through the crystal, leaving all colors in the spectrum unchanged. In this way, Rock Crystals allow you to balance the necessary elements to convert them into integrals and harmonics.
Overall, Clear Quartz Crystal is widely used as a power amplifier, mainly in high-end form. It acts as a purifier and tunes the energy of each individual or even the environment.
Rose Quartz, named for its soft pink color, contains properties of unconditional love for others and for yourself. It is believed to help balance emotions, increasing self-esteem. Opens the Heart Chakra - the fourth chakra, Anahata - improves openness to love in all forms: romantic, platonic, self-love, family love, love for animals, plants and the Planet.
Always have a Rose Quartz close by to block out fear, anger and resentment, replacing them with peace, harmony and self-esteem.
Properties: It is known as the stone of love, as it stimulates our ability to love, helping in affective relationships. Great for those who are afraid to show their emotions. For heart health it is an excellent remedy.
Amethyst is recognized as a stone with important psychic properties. It helps to control addictions such as alcoholism, drug addiction or bulimia. It is also said that it can control the effects of black magic.
Amethyst favors serenity of spirit. It is said to make the people who use it especially nice.
This stone allows you to affirm your sexual identity and is also a good support for meditation. It is necessary to hold it with the left hand to get in touch with the soul and favor the awakening of inner consciousness. It increases intuition and creativity, strengthens courage and protects from excesses of all kinds. This stone protects its owner by giving him a feeling of peace and spiritual tranquility; it also increases intelligence and sincerity.