Image of Oxaguiã
Material: Hand-painted plaster.
Size: Approximately 23 cm tall.
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Oxaguian is one of the qualities of the most powerful orixá that exists, Oxalá. That is, among Oxaguian's characteristics is all the strength and perseverance of a young warrior, as is the figure he embodies.
Legend has it that Oxaguian was born with the name of Kabiyesi, in Ifé, where he nurtured the desire to conquer a kingdom that was within his reach. With the help of Awoledjê, a friend he met on his journey, Oxaguian was able to conquer the kingdom of Ejigbô.
In this new place, Oxaguian had a diet based on yams, having prepared a pestle so that food could be prepared in other ways. Oxaguian's desire for yam named him, and his name means "pilated yam-eater orixá".
The prosperity of the kingdom of Ejigbô reached its peak when Oxaguian followed Awoledjê's recommendation and offered the gods two mice, two fish, two chickens, two goats and two baskets of snails.
With the kingdom under control, Awoledjê chose to discover new places. After a long time, he returned to Ejigbô to look for his friend named Oxaguian. However, the people who received him considered the nickname offensive and disrespectful.
As punishment, Awoledjê was tortured with sticks and later arrested. After that, drought and infertility plagued the kingdom for seven years. Oxaguian consulted with an oracle and learned that he needed to free his friend to return to prosperity.
Even though Awoledjê was released, resentment continued to occupy his heart. To return what was good in the kingdom, he asked Oxaguian to determine an annual event for the residents of Ejigbô and two other kingdoms to fight for one day, celebrating the desire for the rain to fall again.
Oxaguian agreed with his friend's imposition and prosperity returned to the kingdom of Ejigbô. Because of this story, Oxaguian is known as a great conciliator, capable of solving even the most difficult problems that may arise between people.