Image of Oxossi
Material: Hand-painted plaster.
Size: Approximately 23 cm tall.
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Oxossi is a deity of African religions, also known as orixá, who represents knowledge and forests.
Normally, this orixá is represented by the figure of a man who has a bow and arrow in his hands, considered a kind of guardian and hunter.
For Afro-Brazilian religions, such as Umbanda and Candomblé, Oxossi is linked to knowledge and nature. He always praises everything that nature can provide, according to human need.
For this reason, he is also known as the orixá of hunting, abundance and sustenance.
In ancient Africa, Oxossi was considered the guardian of hunters, responsible for bringing sustenance to the tribe. Nowadays, he protects all those who leave home every day for work, as it is from this effort that the family's sustenance comes.
Some of the main features of Oxossi are:
Elements: vegetable and water;
Polarity: Oba;
Colors: green, dark blue and magenta;
Symbols: bow and arrow (Ofá) and oxtail (Eruexim);
Greetings: Okê Oxóssi and Okê Arô.
Oxossi is also considered an orixá of contemplation, lover of the arts and beautiful things, and is also an axé hunter.
That is, he seeks good influences and positive energies for an ilé, a space where public parties in Candomblé are held.
Those considered "sons of Oxossi", according to the religion, are endowed with some characteristics that define their behavior and refer to the orixá.
According to the interpretation of this belief, the children of Oxossi are very pleasant, cheerful and communicative, in addition to great company.
History of Oxossi
In the history of the African gods, Oxóssi is the son of Oxalá and Iemanjá, and his name comes from the Yoruba, a specifically African language, which means “popular guardian”.
He is considered the king of Ketu, as he rid the population of one of the Eleyé birds (owners of birds that have evil spirits). He thus broke a spell cast over that people.
According to legend, Oxossi doesn't need more than one arrow to reach his target and for this reason he is also called Otokan Soso (that is, the warrior with an arrow that never misses the target).
Oxossi and syncretism in the Catholic Church
In the traditions of the Catholic Church, the orixá Oxóssi is syncretized with São Sebastião, being honored on January 20th.
However, in the state of Bahia, he is also syncretized with São Jorge, a saint recognized for his strength, determination and for facing everything that comes ahead.