Sacred Geometry Triangular Smoker
Aroma: 31 Herbs • Made in Argentina by Sagrada Madre
Contents: 4 triangles • Approx. firing: 15 to 20 m
Function: Cleansing, healing, prosperity and spiritual evolution.
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The practice of smoking is transversal to all the great spiritual currents, whether in ceremonies, rituals, etc... This practice helped the human being to evolve towards the Divine, the transcendent, the invisible side of the experience always with the greatest respect. and communion with the Planet, our mother Earth.
The Triangle is the geometric shape that represents the number three, the key to geometry and the "Divine Proportion". The trinity, fruit of the product of the unity of heaven and earth. In sacred geometry, the triangle represents balance, the beginning, the middle, and the end. It sustains all the energy of the Earth at its base and receives the energy of the Universal Cosmos at its upper tip.
These 31 Herb Sacred Geometry Smoking Triangles draw on the herbal power of Nature. They are composed of herbs, resins and essential oils. They manifest tones of Love, holiness, purity, harmony, healing, cleanliness, prosperity and material and spiritual evolution. Certainly a great natural tool at the service of spirituality.
- Smoking should always be done in ventilated places.
- Place the tablet in a heat-resistant, NON-flammable burner or container.
- Touch the flame of a lighter for a few seconds until the tablet is slightly glowing.
- The remains can be disposed of in Nature itself as it is completely natural.