Meditation - The Art of Living in the Present
  • Meditation - The Art of Living in the Present

Meditation - The Art of Living in the Present


Author Saulo Fong

Pages 120

Size 16 x 23 cm

Language: Brazilian Portuguese



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Meditation is a topic that is being increasingly publicized and studied in our society. No wonder, after all, more and more people are benefiting from this practice, which can be developed by people of any age, gender or religion.
Although different techniques are disseminated and disseminated in different media, little is said about the attitude behind meditation, an attitude that is fundamental to learning how to integrate meditation into everyday life and being able to enjoy the benefits of this practice. It is about this attitude that this work aims to teach.
What is the correct attitude to deal with thoughts, emotions and feelings such as anguish, anxiety or sadness?
How to deal with the past?
How to deal with the future?
How can you develop an attitude of presence in your daily life so that it becomes your natural habit?
There are answers to these and other more trivial questions related to meditation and life that you will find in the pages of Meditation – The Art of Living in the Present.