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Poseidon is the god of the sea, two earthquakes, two storms and two horses. Protector of waters and assistant of sailors, he was also called deus da fertilitye.
Gifted with an instável and violent temperament, he was considered a vingative deus, with explosive behavior and difficult humor. Only many of the events that apontam their raiva and, in some cases, start in the face of an adversary.
He lived in the depths of the ocean and the storms, storms and tidal waves that occurred on the sea were caused by him.
Poseidon is one of the three rulers of the world, along with Zeus, deus of the earth, and Hades, deus of the underworld. In Roman mythology, he is called Netunus.
Filho de Cronos e Reia, Poseidon e irmão de Zeus, Hades, Deméter, Héstia e Hera. According to Greek mythology, he would not have been swallowed by his father, Cronus, because he avoided me by pretending to have given birth to a horse. The same fate befell Zeus, who was preserved.
After defeating the Titans, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus, they were authorized to divide the world to rule. Hades escolheu o submundo e Zeus os céus. Já Poseidon tornu-se lord of all waters.
There is a face for the irmã Deméter who, to escape from her investitures, transformed herself into a horse. Poseidon, in turn, transformed himself into a garanhão and pursued irmã. You give me a horse that was named after Arion.
Poseidon was a lover of many women. Case with Amphitrite, a series, and with the Tritão tiveram, metade homem e metade peixe. With Medusa, he was the father of Pegasus, a cavalo voador.