Image of Cernunnos
Size: Approximately 30 cm tall.
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The name of this Celtic god, Cernunnos, means "with the forehead adorned with horns".
It was with the finding of a panel made around 14-37 AD. C, belonging to a pillar dedicated by sailors from the city of Lutetia (present-day Paris) to the god Jupiter, which made it possible to know the name of Cernuns.
He was lord of the woods and of all four-legged animals, wild or domestic, except horses. He is represented, among other situations, with his legs crossed, with a bag of coins or seeds and flanked by a bull and a deer, or feeding two horned snakes. It is likely that the fact that he appears with his legs crossed has to do with the custom that the Celts had of eating in that position. He also always appears with gold necklaces hanging from his horns, neck or hands, to accentuate his characteristic as lord of the earth's riches.
Cernuns' power was highlighted by the appearance of three faces at the same time. Its distinctive characteristics are the deer's keen ear, longevity, sexual potency and strength as well as its agility and the vigor that the constant regeneration of the antlers confers.
This god of fertility is usually accompanied in representations by a dwarf with raised arms, several goddesses and a serpent with the head of a ram.
The Devil, represented in the same way as Cernuns in certain manuscripts with illuminated miniatures and Romanesque and Irish sculptures can be interpreted as one of the adaptations that Christians made of pagan themes. In this case it would be an allegory of the victory of Christianity over the demons of paganism.
A fusion and dissemination of this divinity with the symbol of the Muslim school of mystics formed by Abu-el-Ataahia also occurred in southern Europe, giving rise to the cult of the goat god. The justification for this cult is the fact that Abu-el-Ataahia comes from the Aniza clan, a word that means "goat".