Image of Horus Falcon
Size: Approximately 20 cm tall.
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Horus was a deity present in Egyptian religiosity and was seen as the god of the heavens. He was also considered the keeper of order, the protective god of humanity, the protector of royalty, and the patron of young men. Furthermore, the Egyptian pharaohs considered themselves to be the incarnations of this god.
In Egyptian mythology, Horus was represented as a falcon and was presented as the son of Osiris and Isis, two other important Egyptian gods. He remained hidden from Set for years and when he became an adult he confronted his father's usurper. The cult of Horus was very popular in the Nile Delta region.
Summary about Horus
Horus was the god of the heavens, represented by the Egyptians as a falcon.
He was the protector of humanity, royalty and patron of young men.
The Egyptian gods believed that they were incarnations of this god.
In Egyptian mythology, Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis.
He fought Set, the god who killed Osiris and usurped his throne.
Characteristics of Horus
Horus was one of the most respected and worshiped gods in all Egyptian religion, being considered the god of the heavens. The Egyptians believed that Horus was a protective god of humanity, as well as being the patron of young men and protector of Egyptian royalty.
This last attribute established a very strong link between this deity and the Egyptian pharaohs. This was evidenced by the fact that the pharaohs considered themselves to be incarnations of this god. Horus was represented by the Egyptians as a falcon and could be called by other names, such as Heru, for example.
Origins of Horus in mythology
Greek myths narrate how Horus originated, and the most consolidated version points out that he was the son of Osiris and Isis, two very relevant gods in the Egyptian pantheon. This myth begins with the fact that Horus' parents were rulers of Earth, their government was prosperous and they were responsible for transmitting important knowledge to humanity.
Osiris's success was the envy of his brother, Set. To make this situation worse, Nephthys, Set's wife, betrayed him with Osiris after disguising himself as Isis and sleeping with Osiris — who thought he was sleeping with his own wife. From this relationship Anubis was born. Set's envy grew, turned to hatred, and Set decided he would kill Osiris.
Osiris was murdered by Set, his body was thrown into the Nile River and taken to Phenicia, where he was rescued by Isis. Osiris' wife brought her husband's body back to Egypt with the intention of resurrecting him, but Set learned of this and found Osiris' body, tearing it into several parts that were scattered throughout Egypt.
Isis found all the parts of Osiris's body, performed a magical ritual that resurrected her husband and made him impregnate her. From this pregnancy Horus was born. After being resurrected, Osiris went to the world of the dead, and Isis had to hide so that Set would not find her and try to kill her.
The same happened with Horus, and he had to remain hidden throughout his childhood so that Set wouldn't find him and kill him. After his childhood, Horus was able to come out of hiding to confront Set and seek revenge.
Horus denounced Set in a court made up of nine gods, and in the complaint he accused Set of having usurped his father's throne. Horus demanded that the throne be returned to him, the true heir. The gods who formed this court were on Horus's side, with the exception of Ra, who considered Horus too young and inexperienced.
As a result, the dispute between the two was fought in battles that lasted for more than 80 years, but which did not define the situation. Horus won the confrontations, but Set remained with the throne that had belonged to Osiris. Then one day Set was tricked by Isis and confessed to having usurped his brother's throne.
This caused Set to be banished to the desert and Horus to assume the throne that had been occupied by his father.