Image Oxosi
Material: Ivory
Size: Approximately 20 cm tall.
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For Afro-Brazilian religions such as Umbanda and Candomblé, Oxóssi is linked to knowledge and nature. He always praises all that nature can provide, according to human need.
For this reason, he is also known as the orixá of hunting, abundance and sustenance.
In ancient Africa, Ochosi was considered the guardian of hunters, responsible for bringing sustenance to the tribe. Today, he protects everyone who leaves home for work every day, as it is from this effort that the livelihood of families comes.
Some of the main features of Ochosi are:
Elements: vegetable and water;
Polarity: Yay;
Colors: green, dark blue and magenta;
Symbols: bow and arrow (Ofá) and oxtail (Eruexim);
Greetings: Okê Oxóssi and Okê Arô.
Oxóssi is also considered an orixá of contemplation, lover of the arts and beautiful things, being also an axé hunter.
In other words, he seeks good influences and positive energies for an ilé, a space where public parties in Candomblé are held.
Those considered "sons of Oxóssi", according to their religion, are endowed with some characteristics that define their behavior and refer to the orixá.
According to the interpretation of this belief, the children of Oxóssi are quite pleasant, cheerful and communicative, in addition to being great companies.