Image of King Tut
Size: Approximately 26 cm tall.
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King Tut is probably the most famous figure in ancient Egyptian history. The discovery of his intact tomb in Vale dos Reis by English archaeologist Howard Carter caused a wave of great interest in the history of ancient Egypt and of course in the modern era, or tourism in the country. Discover the life of our men.
Pharaoh Menino was born in 1341 BC, in Amarana. His mummified body reflects that he died when he was 19 years old, but it is still discussed when exactly he died. His body was possibly damaged before or immediately after death. Tutankhamen or Tutankhamun, originally Tutankhanton, was consecrated only as King Tut or the young pharaoh, famous for his tomb KV62 found intact in the King's Vale in 1922, in the city of Luxor.
In his country, Akhenaten was responsible for confronting the monotheistic belief in Ancient Egypt, with venerations only presided over by the sole deus Aten. Popular outrage over this move ended up resulting in the death and collapse of Akhenaten. It is believed that if Tutankhamun had permission to assume the throne, it would be easier to control the situation since he was very young. Under the power of the young Tut, the ancient religious cult was restored to the capital of Akhetaten, which its original construction was abandoned, and Tut raised his reign to the ancient capital of Thebes.
Tutankhamun reigned or Egypt for approximately ten years, from 1332 to 1323 BC, assuming power even when he was raised, in around two nine years of existence. On November 4, 1922, Howard Carter and Lord Carnavaron discovered Tutankhamun's tomb in Vale dos Reis and on November 26 they managed to enter the premises. The pharaoh's mummy was covered by a large wooden structure and a solid gold sarcophagus. The tomb was officially opened on February 17, 1923 in the presence of famous archaeologists and government representatives.
Tutankhamun was an Egyptian pharaoh in the 18th dynasty, during the period of the two ancient Egyptian pharaohs known as the New Kingdom or the New Period of the Empire. In the life, or reign of Tutankhamun, you do not stand out. Because of his fame, and because his tomb was discovered completely intact for more than 3000 years, it contains fabulous treasures that help Egyptologists better understand the mummification process. Since the discovery of the pharaoh's burial mound, he was named after King Tut and gained popularity because he was found there.
Now the tomb of Pharaoh Tut is the only royal tomb uncovered in Egypt that has never been opened or looted before. Turning to one of the most famous archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Here, the belongings of King Tut, including his golden death mask, are on display at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but will briefly be transferred to the GEM - Grand Egyptian Museum, which It is being built near the Pyramids of Gizé.