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Bronzed Celtic Figurine.
Brigid stands infront of a roaring fireplace, simmering her caudron.
Cast in the finest resin.
Skilfully hand-painted.
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The Celtic Goddess Brigit is the daughter of Dagda, the good God and father of all, a tenderness that makes her even more pleasant and adored by the people. Called the Triple Goddess, the Goddess Brigit transmits power, love and protection, in addition to being related to the arts of healing, forging and poetry.
Goddess of healing springs
Because she is considered the Goddess of healing springs, there are several Brigit springs in Brittany, whose waters carry a fiery vibration, based on rocks, as well as minerals and can also be consumed by anyone who passes by.
Celtic goddess of the hearth, home and forging
Another way to refer to Brigit is as the Celtic Goddess of the hearth, home and smithing. This is because in the past, fireplaces were considered the heart of the house, after all, they heated, lit and helped with the preparation of food. However, a house could be considered a home only after the moment its residents lit a flame for Brigit.
White Cow Goddess
Brigit is also known as the White Cow Goddess because she was treated as the lady responsible for providing and sustaining life. Therefore, it is generally associated with a woman who drank cow's milk and wore long tunics made from sheep's wool, another of her deified animals.
In mid-453 AD, the Catholic Church named her Saint Bridget and began to consider her the patron saint of agriculture and livestock, as well as the protector of the home against fire and calamity.
In the same way that mythological gods and saints converge, understand the connection between Catholic saints in Umbanda.
Brigit had her mythology associated with the Sun Goddess, in addition to being the best example of “survival” during the Christian Era. After canonized by Catholicism, the Goddess Brigit had her story linked to that of Jesus Christ. There are reports that Saint Bridget was the midwife of the Virgin Mary, assisting in the birth of the Creator. Therefore, Saint Brígida is also invoked by women in labor.
In addition to associating Brigit with fire, the Goddess is also associated with water and healing, in general.
Their dairy cows produced rivers of milk and therefore provided an inexhaustible source of food. There are reports that with just a measure of malt and magic on her side, the Goddess Brigit accelerated the production of beer, a drink much appreciated and consumed by the Celts.
All you had to do was ask and the Goddess would send you a cold one. Have you thought? Adaptation of one of Christ's miracles, in case you didn't understand, aimed at the Celtic people.
But, don't be fooled. Brigit severely punished those who, out of misfortune, tried to steal from her. Usually the punishment took the form of drowning or scalding.
Symbols of the Goddess Brigit
Its main symbols are Brigit's cross, the sacred flame, the rod and spinning wheel, the triskle and its brass shoes.
Call upon her for fertility on earth, protection, love, healing, inspiration and harmony in the home. Brigit can also help you with learning, the art of divination, as well as occult knowledge and defeating enemies.