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Zeus is the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus, the celestial pantheon of Greek mythology. He is associated with thunder and lightning, often being depicted holding lightning in his hands. This association with thunder reflects his role as god of the sky and weather.
The sovereign god is often portrayed as a powerful and imposing being with long hair and a beard. He is also known for his role as lord of mortals, being protector of kings and heroes. On many occasions he intervened in human affairs. Its image is linked to ideas of justice, order and leadership.
In Roman mythology, Zeus is known as Jupiter.
The god of lightning is the son of Cronos and Rhea, titan deities who ruled the cosmos before the Olympic gods. However, fearing that one of his sons would dethrone him, the Titan king devoured them at birth. To protect Zeus, his mother hid him and gave the weather god a stone to swallow.
Zeus was raised in secret on the island of Crete, cared for by nymphs and suckled by the goat Amalthea. As an adult, he returned to Mount Olympus and planned a war against his father and the Titans, called the Titanomachy.
The war lasted ten years, being marked by intense fighting, the release of the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires, in addition to the help of some giants.
In the end, the Olympian gods prevailed over the titans, punished by imprisonment in Tartarus, a region of the underworld. Zeus became the supreme ruler of the cosmos and established his reign on Mount Olympus.
The exact meaning of the name "Zeus" is somewhat uncertain, but it is widely believed to be related to the Greek word ζέω (pronounced "zeo"), which means "to shine" or "to be alive." Therefore, the name "Zeus" can be interpreted as "the bright one" or "the one who is alive", corroborating his status as god of lightning.