Image of Nana Buroque
Material: Hand-painted plaster.
Size: Approximately 23 cm tall.
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Nanã Burukú is the orixá of the mangroves, of the swamp, lady of death responsible for the portals of entry (reincarnation) and exit (disincarnation) of souls.
Identified in the Jogo de Búzios by the odú ejilobon and materially represented in umbanda through the sacred settlement called Igba Nanã.
Nanã together with Oxalá had 4 children, the orixás, Omolú/Obaluaiê, Oxumarê, Ewá and Ossaim.
Nanã owns a staff, the ibiri. Her clothes seem bathed in blood, the deity of still waters that she kills suddenly, she kills a goat without using a knife. Bead strands of her are lilac and white or purple.
Nanã is protective of the elderly
Nanã is the lady of cancer diseases, she is always beside her son Omolú. She is the protector of the elderly, homeless, sick and visually impaired.