Image Oxalá
Material: Ivory
Size: Approximately 20 cm tall.
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Oxalá is Umbanda's greatest Orisha, He is Umbanda itself in its magnitude, its color is white, representing peace, love, kindness, cleanliness, spiritual purity, in short, everything that may indicate positivity. Oxalá's domains are all people and all places. His kingdom is our world.
And Jesus Christ is the supreme head of Umbanda, syncretized to I hope, for Him all the other lines of Umbanda and its workers converge. All the spirits who work in Umbanda have enormous devotion to Jesus Christ and the teachings of his Gospel follow fervently, always transmitting them to everyone who does not know his teachings.
Syncretism Oxalá – Jesus Christ is perfect, it can be said that both are the same being with different names. However, within a logical analysis, we cannot say that both are the same being, since an Orisha is a spiritual being that never incarnated on Earth and Jesus was among us two thousand years ago. This, however, it does not matter to us, it only matters that the perfect syncretism of both reigns within our temples. It doesn't matter what we call them, whether Jesus Christ or Oxalá.
We know very little about Oxalá; of Jesus, however, we know his life and his work. To Him we owe obedience and obligation to learn from the teachings of his Gospel and, above all, to practice these teachings. Jesus loves us all, good or bad, just or unjust, rich or poor, white or black, male or female.
All Orixás worshiped in Umbanda follow Oxalá, preach their doctrine and teachings.
And all the spirits that follow Jesus Christ, workers or not in Umbanda, fight against the forces of evil, nullifying works of negative magic or other types of evil, generated or not by spells. These followers meddle in the places where evil is practiced and cancel or lessen the effects of these evil works and continue in the tireless struggle against these forces, always preaching faith in God, charity, love of neighbor and fraternity.
In the division of the line of Oxalá, the Catholic Saints lead several phalanges, making the religious syncretism existing in Umbanda even stronger, for this reason the line of Oxalá is also known as the line of saint.
The way of worshiping I hope in Umbanda, today is totally misrepresented by the vast majority of terreiros. This fact is due to the search for knowledge of some terreiro leaders of the past, who sought in Candomblé the knowledge necessary to conduct a terreiro, implanting in Umbanda, rituals and dogmas that have nothing in common with our practices.
We learn that the way to please I hope is prayers and good conduct as a human being.
The irradiation of Oxalá goes beyond any cult of any Orisha, so it is unnecessary to make obligations with objects of any kind, but as in any terreiro, in ours too, obligations and ways of worship are taught in this way to our followers:
White candles (if you know what you're doing with them), white carnations, pure water (although Orixás don't drink) and honey (although they don't eat).
The place to do your obligation can be anywhere, as we have already mentioned the kingdom of Oxalá is the world, in this way, you can worship it anywhere as long as this place is clean. Just as a reminder, cemeteries and crossroads are not clean places. You can do your duty at home, in the yard, on the beaches, in the woods, in the woods, in the churches (whether the priest allows you to see it or not), in the gardens, etc. It doesn't matter where you are, only your faith and devotion to what you are doing will matter.
Color white
Domains The world
Action About everything and everyone
Greetings Zambi is my father, or Epa Babá Oxalá
Element Earth, Water, Air and Fire