Image of Pai Benedito
Material: Hand-painted plaster.
Size: Approximately 20 cm tall.
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His name was José Benedito, he died at the age of 90, he was born in Guinea (Oceania), he was taken to black Africa by slavers. One day, when he was still a child, he got lost in his village and was found by an old aboriginal man, who, before taking him to his village, stayed with him for a period of 3 months, during which the aboriginal man tried to teach his beliefs to him.
But José Benedito already had his beliefs, so he didn't believe much in what the aboriginal told him. Upon returning to his village, he came across several slavers, who took him and his father to the African market. Inside the ship he was one of the youngest, he was 10 years old. The ship, which held 700 people, had more than 1500, where everyone did their physiological needs right there, where they were trapped. This caused many diseases, in addition to those transmitted by rats. During the trip, many died, and those who were wounded, the slavers threw water with salt over the wounds._x000D_ During the night they threw water with salt where the blacks were staying, because they thought that this disinfected the place, and during the day they opened the hatches for sunlight to come in. The slave traders wanted to avoid deaths, as this caused them losses. His father contracted a virus and died, his body being thrown into the sea._x000D_ Shortly after his father's death, he had his first trial of faith. He felt bad and knew he had acquired some kind of illness because of the washing they were given. Then, the image of the aboriginal came to him. It was so real that he was sure it wasn't a dream, because he was talking to the native. This one told him to stop drinking the water and eating the wash they were given. Instead, he should take the almost-rotted alfalfa that was lining the ground, and wash it with the sea water that they threw in there every day.
So he did. After a journey of more than 40 days, he finally arrived on the African continent, to later be taken to Brazil. But there was a delay in the slave trade, which lasted about 6 years. During this period, working as a slave, he came into contact with other cultures, that is, slaves from other countries. One of the people he met was an Angolan named Zimzumba, who was a healer and sorcerer for the Nagô nation. Zimzumba taught him to read and taught him magic, and told him in one of his visions that it would do him no good to run away, because he would be a slave for his whole life, that he would teach many black people how to be strong and fight for his ideals, and that he would no longer listen to people's voices. At first he didn't understand, but he believed, remembering how the aborigine had helped him. After this period of 6 years, he was taken to Colonial Brazil, on a journey of more than 30 days. It landed in Parati and was sold at auction to Mr. Patrocínio and Mrs. Joaquina, who lived on a farm in the interior of São Paulo. There, he met the only love of his life, Maria Benedita, who today works at Vovó Conga's line.
Several years passed, and he, dissatisfied with the life he was leading, saw the aborigine again on a full moon night. This he asked me to get in touch with the culture of that country. By doing this, he had his first contact with what would be the Orixás. Far from his beliefs, and already believing in the aboriginal, he began to delve into this Afro-Brazilian cult, where he ended up marrying Maria Benedita. Since she was a maid at the big house, because she knew how to read and write, she managed with her owners to get him to work there. It is important to note that their owners were very fond of both, but being a bit of a snoop, he ended up discovering a plot against Sr. Patrocínio, plotted by his sons to take possession of the land. One of them, upon discovering that José Benedito had discovered everything, sent him back to the slave quarters and ordered both his ears pierced. It was there that he began his journey of faith.
He began to truly believe in the spiritual power of the Orixás, and began to attend more services. During this period he met who would be his greatest executioner. As punishment for having tried to warn Mr. Patrocínio, he facilitated my escape to then kill me, but during the escape a strong light came on that blinded him and the captain of the bush, and he was unable to achieve his intention. He then took me back and I remained several days in the stocks, being whipped daily. But something made him have the strength to live, and he knew someone was watching over him.
When Maria Benedita came to give him water, she told him that she was pregnant. After a few months, José Benedito de Angola, his only son, was born. Not satisfied, the son of Mr. José Patrocínio sold Maria Benedita, displeasing Mrs. Joaquina. Her son was being cared for by another slave. José Benedito rebelled and was once again tied to the trunk. Then the figure of a woman appeared before him, telling him that he would manage to bring Maria Benedita back, and that it would be no use for him to take the child and run away, that his mission was there. She told me to leave