Image of Pomba Gira Cigana
Material: Hand-painted plaster.
Size: Approximately 20 cm tall.
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Rosa dos Ventos is well known as Pomba-Gira Cigana, in the eastern line, well incorporated, she always arrives happy and smiling, she usually wears a red blouse with black lace or ruffles and her well-rounded black skirt with ruffles and a pocket in the front where keep your deck, and your perfume.
She has a fan with golden lace on the edges. The gypsy Rosa dos Ventos, as many people know. was that gypsy who lived in Paris in medieval times. Wherever she went, she left smart eyes for her beauty, Smiles on her lips for her sympathy and hearts beating out of step and many sighs. She was very graceful and charismatic, which is why she managed to make everyone in that city like her very much, as she also brought the gift of divination and clairvoyance with that she was always surrounded by people, "mainly men". She was the daughter of a Humble Family, with many brothers, the women she soon developed the gift of clairvoyance, as she accompanied them on the streets to earn money by playing fortune-telling cards for the people.
Men were each taught to have a profession. She was born and raised in the same country, but always changing cities. Vain, she likes golden jewelry (gold) or bijouterie, perfumes of the best quality, sweet champaign, and Anis drink, Female cigarette (long white filter).
When she presents herself in a medium that is in the development phase, she soon likes to cross out her point, because she works a lot with fire point and therefore needs her point, she works a lot with the phase of the moon and odd number days, when necessary. herbal bath uses only aromatic (sweet) herbs.
All the people who work with her are successful, especially with regard to Love.
Unlike the pomba-giras, it does not work in a cemetery, the greatest strength of its work is on the full and crescent moons on days that are odd numbers, the best days of the week are Monday and Friday.
Rosa dos Ventos likes to take care of Amorous affairs and does them for those who please with jewelry or drink. In the kingdom of the gypsies she is Queen, in the camps what is always arranged first is her place (her throne). Usually for work she brings Exu Gira Mundo, Exu Tata Caveira, Exu 7 Dagger, Exu do Lodo, Exu Tiriri, Exu das Encruzilhadas